Episode 56: Deanna Keller, candidate for Port of Tacoma commission

September 2, 2019

It’s September! That means Election Day is only two months away. We sat down with Deanna Keller, candidate for Port of Tacoma commission, for our third candidate interview to talk about why she says her private and public sector experience (as the president of a company and a longtime educator) make her the right person for the job.

We recorded this interview the same day Channel 253 released original reporting by Sean Robinson that revealed Keller’s company did business with ICE (yes, that ICE) in 2014 and 2017. We asked her about that, and about her views on the environment and what the port’s role should be in protecting it.

Also: We’re going to include candidate Public Disclosure Commission pages in the show notes so you can all check out their election contributions and expenditures. Just some light, nerdy reading before bedtime.


Port of Tacoma candidate has done business with ICE; contracts include covert surveillance equipment

Elect Deanna Keller website

Public Disclosure Commission: Keller, Deanna M

Channel 253 membership

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